Thursday, December 2, 2010

Washington - Lincoln Memorial

This shot was taken not so much because it's the Lincoln Memorial...rather the focus of the composition was the way those birds were lined up!

Interestingly, I found that the man and president Abraham Lincoln was not so much the focus of this place either; it was the "I Have a Dream" speech made by the Rev. Martin Luther King, least for me, and many others I observed. It is etched in the granite of the top step the exact spot where that great speech was delivered. Also, there was a boom box a few feet away that looped the speech over an over again. The pictures I have of the kids are at that spot, overlooking the area where the vast number of peoples gathered for the historic event.

Don't get me wrong - Abraham Lincoln was among the five greatest presidents that ever lived (along with Washington, Madison, Kennedy and Reagan...strictly in my opinion), but the Rev. King shines among them as one who did more than any of them could have...and without firing a shot or resorting to violence. That, plus his focus on the character of a man, regardless of race, set him apart and placed him squarely among the great leaders of the world.

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