Monday, October 18, 2010

New York, Madison Square Area 04

A boy looks to his neighbor for guidance...

The wife and I took an early walk through the park, before the kids got up, and found a lot going on. One of those statues was the focus of a video being filmed, in which a circle of about eight people did meditation, including the statue as part of the group. Also, from a distance, I saw this group get started, with just the boy and what must have been his mother (who is standing to the left and was cropped out of this picture). As always, it is regrettable when I don't bring a camera.

We returned in time to grab the kids to join us about a half-hour later, and this time I brought the camera and captured all of the shots in this series on the Madison Square Park area. By that time, however, the circle of meditators had disbanded, and this group had grown by two.

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