Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New York, Jersey Cityscape 01

As part of an organized tour we took a boat on the Hudson to see the sights. It had been a while since I'd been to New York, so much what is in this scene was new to me, including most of the glass buildings. Well-developed cityscapes have always been a favorite, especially if they offer unique buildings and reflections off of glass. To my amazement, the cityscape of the Jersey shore across from Manhattan was more striking than Manhattan itself.

One advantage of capturing images across the water is that the rule of thirds pretty much takes care of itself. It would have been nice to have a polarizing filter, but being a compact, one cannot be affixed to the s7000. Nevertheless, with creative exposure control and some post-capture Photoshop work the gap was filled. This is a single capture, but while we were on the boat I managed to jockey a position that allowed a zoomed-in six-shot panorama. Immediately after completing those six shots I zoomed out and took a single exposure of essentially the same composition. During post-capture back here in Houston it was amazing to see the difference.

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