Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Taiwan 47

This is probably the most serendipitous photo I've ever taken. We were walking down a mountain path when my daughter backed away from the edge and shouted, "There's a bee!" As a younger girl she had a phobia about bees.

In reaction to her fear - which got on my nerves - I said to her, "Well, then, we must take a picture" in a mock suggestion that the moment must be documented. I swung the camera around and just snapped, without even framing a shot or taking care that the focus was right...or even seeing the "bee" for that matter!

It was only after seeing the shot in the viewfinder that I notice that the "bee" (actually a yellow jacket, I think) happened to be in the shot, and also happened to be in focus. After arriving home I printed an 8x10 and got some positive comments, but will always remember that it was pure luck that things fell into place...

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