Saturday, May 23, 2009

From 2004 - Vibrant Rose

I read a story once about someone who had a near-death experience. In attempting to convey what he saw, this individual told of seeing flowers that were so perfectly and vibrantly colored that it defied description in human terms. He related that the light producing such a sight seemed to come from within the flowers, and seemed to be alive.

Whether such an event actually happened, or even could happen, is a matter of debate among some. Regardless of the feasibility, ever since taking up photography I've sought to capture something that approximates that vision - and this comes close. We have a friend that grows the most beautiful flowers, and every day on my way to either drop off or pick up the kids I would see her flowers in various lighting conditions. This was taken during the afternoon, when the setting sun hit it just right. There were a few imperfections removed, such as a brown spot or two, and some tears on the edges of some petals, but they weren't many.

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