Sunday, February 16, 2025

Taiwan 2024 - Chenjean's General Village Area, Midrange Pic of Town with Aerial View

This is a view of pretty much the entire town on the way back in from a morning walk.  Who would've thought that four of its girls from Chenjean's family would have made very successful lives for themselves in the United States, propelling the trajectory of many lives in influential ways?

By the way, finally got around to grabbing a Google Maps satellite image of the whole village (23.5098181N,120.6018132E).  Because the waterfall was open for business at the time the image was taken, almost every parking space was occupied by cars.  There is a bus at its stop clearly visible as well, which may have been a tourist bus or perhaps one running a regular route.  Chenjean's house is the first one to the immediate right of the red map marker.


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