Saturday, December 21, 2024

Taiwan 2024 - Alishan, Playing on the Railroad Tracks

As indicated already in several posts from this series, the railroad is a big draw for tourists in the Alishan region.  This is where we caught the train to go to Chiayi, some hundred miles away, and this is where we saw the indigenous lady described in yesterday's post.

During the wait for our train, we observed something odd:  The other travelers decided to occupy themselves by PLAYING ON THE TRACKS.  Yes, here's an idea - while we wait, let's go and take pictures as we PLAY ON THE RAILROAD TRACKS before our train comes barreling down one of them to pick us up!  Young and old, everyone joined in this activity to pass the time.  I was shocked.  Even saw a group taking pictures of each other laying down on the tracks, head resting on one rail and legs over the other.  Wasn't fast enough with the camera to capture those.

Everyone cleared the way as the train rounded the bend in its time with no harm done, however, and we were on our way...

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