Thursday, August 20, 2020

Austin Riverwalk - Ann Richards Memorial Plaque

Ah yes, the inimitable Ann Richards.  Really an iconic character that embodied the soul of Texas, and the entire Wild West for that matter.  Easily could have been a pioneer woman in the old days, and very much was a pioneer woman in the crucible of Texas politics.  I think I would have very much enjoyed being around someone like this.

My wife Chenjean got to hear her speak once at a CPA conference in Austin, some years after her tenure as governor.  Really left an impression, and I'm glad that this beautiful flower of the Far East got some exposure to that driven, gritty icon of the West.

Oh, and this is the 20th - my birthday.  Up until the kids got older I never cared much for it, but in recent years they've made it a really special occasion.  However in the past one thing that attracted me to Chenjean's culture is that they generally don't celebrate birthdays, except for the 60th when a person officially crosses from the folly of youth to the wisdom of age...

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