Thursday, January 2, 2020

Taiwan - New Taipei Temple Area, Lanterns and Buildings / The Way of Books

Now for my favorite of the lot, these red lanterns with the grey, somewhat dingy buildings in the background.

But are bookmarks still used, or are they going the way of scrolls and dot matrix printers?  I was amazed to learn, about ten years ago, that my niece in college up at Baylor did not read hard copy books but relied almost entirely on digital media in obtaining her education.  Think that takes away from the experience of going to the library, looking up a book in the card catalogue, and rummaging through miles of shelving.  And of the feel of a book in your hands as you turn the pages.  Reading can be a tactile experience that adds to the pleasure of learning, in my opinion.  Can't stay with the whip and buggy forever...

To be fair, I lately have taken to buying almost all of my new books on the iPad.  It's handy being able to instantly search a name or other reference back to where it was first mentioned, or looking up a new or unfamiliar word.  In fact, that became so much a habit that I recently found myself pressing a word to look it up, right on the printed page of a magazine I was reading!

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