Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Taiwan - Taipei Zoo, Sentry Chimp

Equally as interesting is watching the wizened adults doing their thing at play and at times of rest.  Seems this guy is on a favorite perch just watching the world go by.  Lots of questions here, too.  Is he actually thinking and analyzing what he sees? (probably)  Is he content just sitting there? (looks like it)  Does he realize that the swarm of people passing by every day are very similar to him? (maybe)  What does he think about all the colors, clothes and jewelry on those people? (likely provides interest)  Does he recognize visitors who come by regularly? (possibly)  The questions can go on and on...

As interesting as these guys are, and as calm and peaceful as they may seem in these moments, they are vicious creatures that will rip your face off, as one literally did here in the Houston area a few years ago to a lady that supposedly was its friend.  Rare is the wild animal that can be tamed to the point of domestication once it becomes an adult.

When our daughter Allison was in Girl Scouts we had a friend-of-a-friend that owned a couple of capuchins.  They were a necessary part of her livelihood, as she was a clown and had trained them as part of her act doing birthday parties and the like.  We had an opportunity to go to her house to interact with these monkeys, which she housed in converted bedrooms so they'd have plenty of room to do their monkey things, and I was excited at the prospect.  But at the end of the day we just could not do it.  Though they were relatively small they are still wild creatures and all it takes is just once and your daughter could lose her eyes or worse.  So that one didn't make its way into the memory bank, saving deposits for more practical and safe adventures.

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