Saturday, May 25, 2019

Maui - Iao State Park, Best Falls

Sat on a rock for a long time to get just what I wanted out of this shot.  Though it was captured at a relatively fast 1/13 of a second, the water was moving quickly enough to capture that flowing motion.  There was a girl staring hard at us when we got up to leave, because evidently her boyfriend was after the same spot with his Canon rig, and we weren't moving fast enough.  Tough toenails.

So this closes it for the Maui shoot.  As always it was the time with family that counted most, but some of these keepers made for some good gravy.

As for what's next, some have requested more critter shots.  However, because the Houston Zoo is a construction zone right now I've allowed my membership to lapse until next year.  Instead, some scenics from a place in the northwest of Harris County called Kickarillo...

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