Saturday, October 1, 2016

2015 Cruise - Belize Zoo, Exotic Flower / Two Mexican Bus Drivers

This species is so unusual and beautiful it's worth posting again, even though a couple of other pics of the same flower were posted a while ago.  This is the second most exotic and interesting flower I've ever seen.

The most exotic and beautiful species I've ever seen was in old Mexico, near the town of Puebla.  I was attending college there and two busloads of us students were on our way to the silver mines for a look.  We had arrived in Puebla, however a VW bug was in our way along a narrow street.  The car owner was not careful in the way he parked, and it was positioned some distance from the curb.  Without a moment's hesitation the two drivers hopped out of their buses, both grabbing on to the rear bumper of the VW.  They then began to bounce the car up and down until the back wheels actually separated from the street.  It was then, while they were in the air on each bounce, that the bus drivers nudged the car closer to the curb until it was in place and out of the way, first for the back of the car, then the front.  I'd never seen anything like it.  They carried on with this business as if they did it every day, which they may well have.

It was during this exercise that I walked over to a wall where a vine was spilling over the top, and saw the most beautiful and exotic flower I'd ever seen.  Did not get a picture, but believe it to be of the genus Tigridia.

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