Sunday, April 19, 2009

From 2004 - Reaching

One of the most awesome photographs that I have ever seen was taken by someone this past September in Galveston during Hurricane Ike. It was of this statue taken against a backdrop of waves churned high above the seawall as they crashed ashore. And it is not only because the subject and composition alone are awe-inspiring. Since this statue was erected in memorium to those who lost their lives in the hurricane of 1900, and since Ike was equally destructive, the symbolism is what caps it off as one of the best all-time photos in history.

Every photographer dreams of being in just the right place at the right moment to capture such a shot. It is a matter of fate...or destiny.

The picture you see in this posting was one that I took of the same statue back in 2004. I was in my dress clothes on a business trip and it was hot as ever, but braved sun and stares to capture it in that I entitled "Reaching".

The next couple of dozen postings will be my favorites from 2004. Since they cover the whole year they will be random...some winter, some nature, some of people. Since I did not yet own the S7000, all of these were taken with the 3-megapixel Fujifilm 3800.

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