In the spirit of taking pictures of things through things, this is essentially the same shot with huisache in the foreground.
I must say that this was a very rewarding shoot; the pre-dawn hours are my favorite of the day, along with the exercise needed to arrive at a destination like this is the best way to spend one's time...
Went with a friend last weekend to Enchanted Rock, which was - to me - the first overnight trip made specifically for taking pictures. It was just one night, but we got there early enough the first day to climb the rock, scouting possibilities to take advantage of the setting sun. After taking our pictures at sunset we strategized on where to be the following morning for sunrise.
This picture is the fruit of our early morning least for me. My friend is a professional-level landscape photographer with a full-frame Canon, and I was shooting with the Big Cahoona, but feel mildly pleased with this effort.
It may not seem so, but the light brown lump in the background is an elk. We were turning onto the highway from the YMCA when several of them could be seen ambling the hillside munching on grass. Naturally we got out of the car and started snapping pictures.
For this photo, the wheat stalk (or whatever it is) seemed a good chance to play with depth of field...